Saturday, June 30, 2012

Versatile Blog Award

Jessica at Mrs. Heeren's Happenings awarded us the Versatile Blog Award!  Thank you, Jessica!

Here are the rules for this award:

1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2.  Include a link to their site.
3.  Include the award image in your post.
4.  Give 7 random facts about yourself
5.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6.  When nominating, include a link to their site.
7.  Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

Seven Random Facts about Primary Possibilities:

1.  Stephany and Stephanie were in the same kindergarten class.  We went through grade school, junior high and high school together.  We were on the same volleyball team, basketball team, and track team.  Now we are working in the same school corporation, same school, same building, and blogging together!
2.  Kathi's son, Chad, who is currently (almost) 6 years old, was in my kindergarten class last school year and will be in Stephany's first grade class this year.  Now that is TRUST!
3.  All three of us have been trained in Reading Recovery.  I am including a link to the Reading Recovery Council of North America for your reference.  This is a great site and I know you will find useful information here.
4.  Stephany can make amazing monkey bread!  She is asked to bring it to EVERY occasion.  Maybe I can convince her to post her recipe sometime.  (wink wink)
5.  Stephanie worked through high school and college in the watermelon/cantaloupe fields.  (Yes, I did)  I worked for Southwest Purdue Agriculture Center for a total of 9 and 1/2 years!  Each summer I turned vines, drove tractor, and worked in 90` or more weather.  It is a research farm, so every day was a new adventure.
6.  Kathi is a FIRECRACKER !  Her birthday is July 4th!  And talk about independent!  She is one of those "just let me handle this" kind of people.  Ask her anything about technology... and she can handle it.  Mrs. Independence!  :)  (wink wink)
7.  Finally, like all teachers...we are all Control Freaks!

Now it's your turn!

These are the 15 amazing bloggers that I'd like to pass the award on to!

Conversations in Literacy 
 My Button

 Paws Kindergarten 



and last but not least...  My Photo
Congratulations!  I have been to all of these blogs and really put a lot of thought to nominating them.  Please feel free to click on each blog image to link directly to their site.
Endless Possibilities,

Friday, June 29, 2012

 It is miserably hot around here and we haven't had a drop of rain in days so I am very thankful to whoever invented the air conditioner and Pinterest.  Those two things have kept me pretty occupied and happy.  I spent today in my (air-conditioned) classroom sorting through things I inherited from former teachers.  I have also been doing some major organization of my own things because of my inspirational blog stalking sessions.  I can't wait to share some of the great finds and ideas I have incorporated.

 Penny from Superlative Science awards us the Lovely Blog Award!  We were pretty darn excited to get this (I think I sent a text to my "blog partner people" at 11:00 at night to let them know).  Anyway you should go over to check her awesome blog out.  Anyone who names their bright green chameleon Forest Gump is awesome in my eyes :)

So now, I get to pass it on to others. Once you receive the award, you must follow 3 rules:
 1. Follow the person that gave you the award
2. Link back to the person that gave you the award
3. Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers

Here are the blogs that we are passing this award on to! 


First Grade Frosting

Welcome to 2nd Grade Pad

Enchanted with Technology


Lesson Plans and Lattes


Sissy Frissys

Liv to Teach

Second Grade Nest

Joy of Life 2011

The Quirky Apple

Run Miss Nelsons got the Camera

Last but not least, (whose button I couldn't get to work!)

Stay Cool! :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Music, Organize, and Dollar Deal... OH MY!

I have been wanting to post about this topic for a long time.  Now, Amanda at Teaching Maddeness has created a linky for this topic!  Yeah!  I am so excited!

I have two young children at home who watch Nick Jr. ALL THE TIME!  I constantly hear these songs in my head!  Just check them out, then I will proceed with my thoughts.
Now, there is not much left to explain.  Here are my thoughts:
#1- It is a visual and cute jingle that the students are already familiar with.
#2- Routines make for easier transitions and time management.
#3- PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions) create for a positive classroom environment. Also...  This is off topic, but...  I also wanted to share a TREASURE I discovered with a jewelry organizer.  Check out these pictures.  I organized all my magnetic letters in alphabetical order on one side.  On the other side, my Saxon Phonics letter cards fit perfectly!
Lastly, I am trying to hit a personal goal in my TpT store this quarter.  I have my Baseball Mini-unit on sale for $1.00 until the end of June.  This is your chance to start your school year with a HOME RUN!  Please look at the preview below and click to purchase your copy today (for only $1.00)!
Endless Possibilities,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Manic Monday Common Core Assessment Freebies!

Wow!  Is anyone else wondering where June went?  I can't believe that it is almost July.  I need to get all of those Pinterest projects started or finished.  Maybe I should ban myself from there until I get all of my projects done.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

We have some assessment freebies for Manic Monday hosted by Classroom Freebies.  Each of these are an assessment for the Common Core Standards.  There are THREE free assessments here, one for Kindergarten, first and second.  Click on the pictures below to get the freebies!

I hope everyone has an awesome week!