Sunday, November 30, 2014
Load Up Your Cart!
The big Cyber Monday (and Tuesday) sale at TpT is just around the corner! I know I am filling up my cart today and then checking out Monday for up to 28% off (REMEMBER TO USE THE CODE TPTCYBER!!) You can shop from the TpT stores listed below... ALL of them will be 20% off!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Black Friday Dollar Deals
Hopefully you survived the early morning rush of Black Friday...or you're like me and you stayed home... either way, here are some Black Friday DOLLAR DEALS for you from some of your favorite TpT sellers! All products are a dollar Friday and Saturday. So curl up with a cup of hot chocolate, avoid the lines and grab up some Dollar Deals!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Thanksgiving Feast and Celebrating with Enchanted in Kindergarten!
We had a Thanksgiving Feast today in first grade! It was a great way to end the week (and start a break!)
We have also had fun this week using this punctuation packet from Alisha over at Missing Tooth Grins! Lots of different ways to practice statement and question sentences! Go check it out!
Also, Keri is having a huge celebration giveaway for her birthday! We are joining up with her and many other bloggers to offer some great giveaway prizes! Just enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We have also had fun this week using this punctuation packet from Alisha over at Missing Tooth Grins! Lots of different ways to practice statement and question sentences! Go check it out!
Also, Keri is having a huge celebration giveaway for her birthday! We are joining up with her and many other bloggers to offer some great giveaway prizes! Just enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Sunday Savings (November 23)
We are linking up with Nicole from All Things Apple in 2nd. We are offering some Super Sunday Savings. These are unbeatable prices!! 50 % off the following holiday items.
Included in this massive 80+ page Christmas holiday packet are 13 Literacy activities that are Common Core Aligned! They are great for station and center work! These activities can be printed, laminated and used year-after-year! They also look great printed in black and white! Many of these activities can be adapted to fit the ability level of your students.
The December Daily Math Journal is Common Core aligned to Kindergarten curriculum. It includes 21 days of spiral review. Each sheet includes two on a page for easy copying and assembly. Pages are numbered with CCSS at the top right-hand corner. Fonts are kid-friendly and all pages include black and white images. The December Daily Math Journal can be used in class or as daily homework for kindergarten students.
Included in this massive 80+ page Christmas holiday packet are 13 Literacy activities that are Common Core Aligned! They are great for station and center work! These activities can be printed, laminated and used year-after-year! They also look great printed in black and white! Many of these activities can be adapted to fit the ability level of your students.
The December Daily Math Journal is Common Core aligned to Kindergarten curriculum. It includes 21 days of spiral review. Each sheet includes two on a page for easy copying and assembly. Pages are numbered with CCSS at the top right-hand corner. Fonts are kid-friendly and all pages include black and white images. The December Daily Math Journal can be used in class or as daily homework for kindergarten students.
This product includes graphic organizers for the following animals (polar bears, penguins, walruses and seals). Included in this unit: Venn Diagrams, KWL Organizer, Main Idea & Detail, Bubble Map, Listening Center Recording Sheets, Vocabulary Recording Sheet, Class Book Covers & Pages, Interactive Journal Pages, Emergent Reader Text and so much more!
Go check out more savings at Nicole's link-up on her blog.
Endless Possibilities,
Stephanie and Stephany
Monday, November 17, 2014
The Thankful Five!
Kathi, Stephanie and I are teaming up with two of our friends to offer a week of thankfulness! We are launching the "Thankful Five" this week here and on facebook!
Each day this week (November 17-21) we will be offering a freebie, $1 dollar products, and a 20% off product! Three products a day...yes we are crazy! All products are either BRAND NEW or recently added to our stores! They will ONLY be offered as free or discounted on that day... they will move up to regular price or to a paid product the next day so make sure you grab up each deal that day!
So much fun and something to look forward to after a LONG day of teaching! Get ready for... THANKFUL FIVE!
Each day this week (November 17-21) we will be offering a freebie, $1 dollar products, and a 20% off product! Three products a day...yes we are crazy! All products are either BRAND NEW or recently added to our stores! They will ONLY be offered as free or discounted on that day... they will move up to regular price or to a paid product the next day so make sure you grab up each deal that day!
So much fun and something to look forward to after a LONG day of teaching! Get ready for... THANKFUL FIVE!
Friday, November 14, 2014
Five for Friday (November 14)

Sight Word Readers from my TpT store have been a huge hit in my kindergarten classroom this year. My students love reading and one-to-one matching skills are improving tremendously. I am amazed at the print concept skills this kinder group has!!
Here are a few pictures from this week in self-selected reading time.
If you are looking for Sight Word Readers, they are available in my TpT store.
Have you seen this super cute book from Scholastic Book Club? I immediately got started on a Catching Snowflakes Unit to accompany this book. I posted it earlier this week. Check it out here!!
Catching Snowflakes (Literacy Resources) and Craftivity includes several
writing graphic organizers for your primary learners. Students will be
able to showcase their creative writing with the craftivity. Your
hallway will have a great display for the holidays and throughout the
winter. This packet is for kindergarten, first and second grades.
This packet suggests the following books to accompany this unit:
Winter is for Snow by Robert Neubecker
Stella (Queen of the Snow) by Marie Louise Gay
Millions of Snowflakes by Mary McKenna Siddals
The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino
This is the craftivity to make with your writing. I saw the idea on I teach kindergarten and really needed templates to pull this off.
Therefore, I created some templates so that others are able to create
this with their young and eager learners.

Winter is for Snow by Robert Neubecker
Stella (Queen of the Snow) by Marie Louise Gay
Millions of Snowflakes by Mary McKenna Siddals
The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino

I absolutely LOVE this fluency ring pack from Deanna Jump and Stephanie Stewart!! This is how I have organized the sentence fluency rings for my kindergarteners.
The Book Fair was at our school this week!! I purchased a few for my classroom. Turkey Claus is so good!! It is a must-have for the holidays!!
Finally, I am so thrilled with my kinders work on their turkeys!!
Endless Possibilities,
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Math with Dominos!
Dominos can be such effective tools for math instruction. There are so many different ways to use them for math. Paired with a easy to print recording sheet they can become a quick and easy station for math or an early finisher activity! I love being able to grab up a handful of manipulatives, push print and instantly have a meaningful activity. Especially on those days where you need to save your sanity! Here are some ways to use them in your classroom...
Addition: Students simply add both sides of the domino!
Greater Than and Less Than: Students draw the dots from the domino and the add the greater or less than sign!
Race to 120: Students pick a domino and add the sides. They color that number on their chart until they reach 120. This is a great game for partners!
Add & Graph: Students add both numbers on the domino and then graph the sum. You can give the students a baggie filled with dominos so that you can check for mastery against what you placed in the baggie!
Fact Families: Students use the two numbers to create fact families!
Domino Parking: Students take turns picking dominos out of a container, add the numbers and then "parking" the domino. The first student to fill up all of their parking spots wins!
Domino Sort: Students practice odd and even numbers by comparing and contrasting the numbers on the dominos!
Number Sentence Race: Students take turns writing number sentences next to each sum. The first student to complete their paper wins!
Subtraction: Students choose a dice and use the numbers to make a subtraction number sentence.
These are just a few ways that you can practice using dominos in the classroom! If you would like to grab up these printables you can get them HERE!
Endless Possibilities,