Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Linky Party- Pet Peeve


Jessica over at Mrs. Stanford's Class is having a linky party!

Pet Peeve...
My pet peeve about blogs is kind of hilarious.  Our blog is managed and maintained by three primary teachers.  Often, when I go to follow a blog, one of my colleagues has already visited that blog and followed and posted.  Not knowing, I go ahead and post.  On top of that, my name is Stephanie and my blogging colleague is Stephany.  Yes!  We are both Stephanie's!  (both spelled differently too!)  Anyway, after we post and/or follow, we realize, the other one has already followed or posted.  That is so annoying.  But, I would not have it any other way.  The three of us are working well with each other and are enjoying this blogging experience to its fullest.  And as always, we welcome your comments.

Endless Possibilities,
Stephanie (with an 'ie')

I have to add a pet peeve here too.  I think one pet peeve that I have is when a blog doesn't have a list of tags or a search button.  Sometimes I find a blog and it has great ideas and I want to see if they have any ideas on another topic but they don't have a way to search their blog.   Add those search boxes or tags so I can stalk your blog better! :) 

Stephany (with a y)


  1. Hahaha love this!! Sometimes it just looks like you have multiple personalities hehehe


  2. LOL - well that is a very novel pet peeve. :o)

    The Paper Maid

  3. We are used to the confusion since we have went to school together since Kindergarten!

    Stephany (with a y)

  4. Oh my gosh, that is so hilarious!! I can see why that would be a pet peeve!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. Haha so funny. I know what you mean about the no search bar. Definitely frustrating.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  6. Good to hear that. We are always laughing. It is so contagious.

  7. Ha, Ha, Ha! I loved your comment about following blogs. I'm new to this blog world and I'm sure I've followed more than one blog. I've decided to blogs to "blogs I follow" right before I click on the "follow" button. It's a great way to double check.
    I am your newest follower. I hope you can stop by and check out my blog sometime.
    Amy K.
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That is so funny! How cool is it that you've went to school together since K! I'd love for you to come join my new linky party about music in the classroom!

    Teaching Maddeness
    Turn the Music Up Linky Party at Teaching Maddeness

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