Saturday, July 14, 2012

Do you remember the 80's?

I was born in 1981; therefore, I felt it was necessary to create an 80's Theme Unit to celebrate the 80th day of school.  I am so excited about this unit!  As teachers, we are always talking about benchmarks.  We celebrate the 50th and 100th days of school.  Why not celebrate the 80th too?  If you remember any of these things, you need to check out the unit in my TpT store.

I can already hear the talk!  These are the things that I remember from the 80's and I was only a child.  Here is a preview of what is in the 80's Theme Unit for the 80th day of school!

Endless Possibilities,


  1. OMG! I want this unit NOW!! 80th day of school celebration has been added to my plans!!!

    Teddy Ruxpin used to creep me out like you wouldn't believe.

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  2. Too cute! I'll definitely be celebrating the 80th day....Love the unit!

  3. I love the Cosby Show. What a great idea--what's not to love about the 80's!

  4. I, too, am an 80s child. I LOVE this unit!!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  5. Love this idea! I am definitely doing this for the 80th day this year.

  6. Good lord that is AMAZING!!!! I LOVE it! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm totally looking forward to following you! :)
