Friday, April 12, 2013

Five For Friday 4-12-13 & a Freebie

Another Friday is hereWe are linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching again to share five random things from this past week.

1.  Our school principal is a HUGE St. Louis Cardinals fan.  Living in in southern Indiana, families are either St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, or Cincinnati Reds fans.  We are smack dab in the middle of them all.  It makes for some interesting rivalries.  With all of this being said, my family and I are HUGE Cubs fans.  So, when Monday rolled around, I was sure to wear blue.  ~ Stephanie

To celebrate, I finished my Baseball Math Stations for kindergarten.  If you are interested, check them out below.

2.  It finally warmed up here enough to get one of these at the local coffee shop.  I have to say that I felt a little guilty when I saw that they put ice cream in it.  I worked at a coffee shop for years and we didn't make ours with ice cream.  It was wonderful though so who cares! ~Stephany

 3.  Look at what was delivered to my classroom this week!  I asked for tubs for math stations from Donor's Choose and... wow... I  got them.  I wanted to be able to have enough to store my stations without having to remove them from the containers.  So with just a small amount of tweaking, my math stations will be ready for the whole year.... no switching them out, losing pieces, and finding another place to store them!  Now I just have to get all the materials made to put in them! ~Stephany

4.  We are having our 2nd annual 5k run at our school to raise money for a 5th grade overnight field trip.  I (StephanY) volunteered to work it instead of run it!  Now that is it going to be about 45 degrees tomorrow morning I think I would have been better off running it than sitting at one of the spots on the course! ~Stephany

5. This week we HAD a glimpse of spring...of course it is back to cold, but it inspired me to make a spring FREEBIE.  It covers the 2nd grade common core time standard and is great for stations! You can click on the picture below to go grab it up!~Kathi

Click below to go check out all the other great freebie at Teaching Blog Addict by clicking on the button below!
Freebie Fridays

Hope you all had a great week and will have an ever better weekend!
Stephanie, Stephany, & Kathi


  1. Wow - those are awesome math tubs! And don't feel guilty about the ice cream...don't we run around enough in our classrooms all day? {Well, at least that's how I justify my treats!}

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. ahhh! I die for those tubs!! LOVE me some good storage solutions :)
    Rowdy in Room 300

  3. Congrats on the math tubs! HOPE YOU ENJOYED EVERY SPOONFUL OF THE, go get another one. SMILES!!! Stop by anytime!

  4. I can't wait to see all your math tubs set up! :) So exciting to get them.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. Love the freebie! I'm featuring this post on Bagels and Blogs tomorrow. :)

    Math Coach’s Corner
