Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Currently

It's January and that means it is time to link up with Oh Boy 4th Grade for Currently!

Listening ~  My 3 year old daughter actually made it to midnight last night!!  She was staying at grandma and grandpa's...but she made it to 12.  So I suggested she take a little nap this afternoon :) I even let her stay on the couch instead of going to her room.  

Loving ~ That we have 4 more days of break!  My poor hubby goes back tomorrow.  I told him to be very quiet when he gets up at 5:30 A.M to leave on his route.

Thinking ~ I was reminising with the hubbs last night about how our FIRST date was 18 years ago on New Year's Eve.  We were set-up at the last minute to go to the high school NYE formal.  I was thinking about how old we have'd that happen?!?!

Yes...this is us 18 years ago!

 And us today...or this summer.

Wanting ~ ORGANIZATION in my life.  I was going to be brave and put a picture of my son's toy closet on this post...but it's just THAT horrible. 
 I can't do it :(

 Needing ~ A haircut!  I am one of those people who schedules my next haircut when I leave the salon and they are always 5 weeks apart. Well with all the snow that we had, my son's Christmas Program was rescheduled to the night of my haircut.  So, I go tomorrow...2 weeks later.

Memory and Tradition ~ Every Christmas Eve for the last 5 years, Santa comes to our house for a visit.  'Santa' is a friend of the family that I have know since I was 3-4 years old.  He is also the janitor at our school so my son knows him.  This was the first year that my son realized who it was :(  After Santa left my son whispered (so his sister wouldn't hear) "That was Mr. Mike!" I have to say it broke my heart a little. Our tradition became a memory of my boy growing up.

Happy New Year!  Here is to a great 2014 :)


  1. Hi Kathi!
    I have a 19 year old son whose closet, I bet, would put your young sweetie's closet to s.h.a.m.e. When I last attempted to organize it a bit, I actually fell in and disappeared for a few days. Based on that experience, I now pack crackers in my pockets just in case I fall in again. (Tee hee!)
    Happy New Year!

  2. What a fun tradition of having Santa coming to visit! Your daughter looks so happy. My 3 year old is still scared of Santa. That was sweet of your son not to ruin it for your daughter :)
    Have a great 2014!
    Love Teaching Kids

  3. Awww sorry to hear your son found out the secret,but how thoughtful that he didn't just blurt out his discovery. 4 more days?! Super jealous! Enjoy the rest of your break with your kids!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  4. Growing up we always had "Santa" come and bring gifts for everyone too! Fun tradition!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

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