Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hands-On Stations (with a chance to win)

First of all...  Congratulations to Katie from Creating Teaching Inspiring and Rebecca from Ladybugs Lounge!!  They both won Stephany's Summer Fun Awards!!


Are your students more engaged when working with hands-on manipulatives during literacy and math stations?  Mine sure do...  especially this time of year.  Well, now it is time to dig out the sidewalk chalk, hula-hoops and BINGO daubers!  I even get excited about going outside to use sidewalk chalk!!

Here are some ideas of how you can use some of these easy to find products with your students.

Sidewalk Chalk- Take your students outside to write word wall words, sight words, sentences, practice letter formation, and even math facts.  Students of all ages can practice math facts using sidewalk chalk.

Hula Hoops- Use hula hoops to create Venn diagrams, compare shapes, compare and contrasts animals or another topic, or sort items that are alike or different.  I even use hula-hoops in math.  Students can use them to add two or more groups together.

BINGO Daubers- now here is the part I am most excited about.  I have created the following Daubers Mega Pack to use at literacy and math stations.

Do you have buckets of BINGO daubers stored somewhere in a cabinet in your classroom?  Are you looking to put them to use with engaging hands-on learning?  Just look at how many my colleague, Stephany, has in her first grade classroom!

All you have to do is put them in a cute bucket like you see pictured below.  Then print the printables from the Daubers Pack.

Look at the previews below for the skills that are included in this pack.






If you are thinking about purchasing this pack, just wait...  I am going to give it away to three followers who comment below.  All you have to do is comment with your email address and how you plan to use this in your classroom.

Good Luck,


  1. kmedvigy@gmail.com This is the perfect way to review for the end of the year in a fun way. Partner work and center time! Plus, I think we'll do a page when the kindergarten comes to visit the 1st grade - they love doing work together!

  2. I'm hoping to stock up on some bingo daubers this summer to use in my classroom next year! This pack would be the perfect way to get some practice with the daubers while reinforcing skills! lovetoteach2691@gmail.com

  3. I think it would be a good review and perfect center work for next year. BYUgirl1999@gmail.com

  4. My kids love using these! I would love to use them to practice these skills. You really targeted a whole range different ones they need. Thanks! I'll keep my fingers crossed. :) jmcpang78 at gmail.com

  5. My kids would love these! I love all the skills you target! kdb1983@hotmail.com
    Fun in ECSE

  6. This is great to practice basic skills during center rotations. Thanks for the opportunity to win.


  7. Oh my goodness! How great are these?!? For this time of the year I'd use it as review for most of my kiddos and as intervention for a couple who are still struggling. I also teach a Saturday Pre-K class and this would be a great introduction to the use of the daubers with academics. :) Fingers crossed!!!
    lorepuckett at gmail dot com

  8. These look so fun! I'd love to use this during centers time.

  9. I would use these as a fun centre, but also with some of my learners who are still struggling with basic concepts.

  10. Definitely would put these out during workstations, but I bet the kiddos would want to continue using them at free choice time...dabbers are super engaging! THanks for the opportunity to win!

  11. These look great! And I just found a set of Do-A-Dot daubers on sale at Staples for $7!

  12. This would be awesome to win! I would love to use them....my kids love using hands-on manipulatives with math and literacy games!


  13. This would be perfect for my skills tubs! Kids would love it! tzinter@hotmail.com

  14. Oh my kids love bingo daubers! This fun pack would be so motivational! I would use them in centers and in my intervention groups for extra practice/review!

  15. This is awesome! The kiddos would enjoy this during math and literacy centers. Always looking for new things as much as they enjoy using the daubers. rorycar2012@gmail.com

  16. Love! I have been wanting some activities for paint daubers. I am always looking for different ways to change up our centers...it keeps them engaged! This would be perfect for RTI too! Thanks, Traci

  17. My kids love using the daubers. I would use it as a way to reinforce concepts.


  18. I'd love to use them with my intervention kids. Reviewing in a fun way is always a plus.
    My Second Sense

  19. This is great! I would love to use it with my kinder kiddos! I'm looking for ways to keep them engaged! They are getting squirrely!

  20. Wow...this resource looks absolutely PHENOMENAL!!! It is truly unique and creative!!! I would definitely use this for my students who are on IEPs, as they need engaging activities more than anyone!! Very little holds their attention, but I know that this definitely will! I would just LOVE to be one of the LUCKY recipients <3. Thank you for your generosity and for considering me =). leafsgirl@rogers.com.

  21. Those are so cute! I like it! Can I join? ahaha jk!
    12BET Number Game
