Friday, June 6, 2014

Five For Friday (June 6)

We are in full Summer break mode over here.  I have spent a ton of money on flowers and have been doing major yard work in the last week.  I'm kind of proud of my pots, they haven't filled in yet but I did them myself!  Usually, I sweet talk a friend of mine who used to be a landscaper into doing them for me.  I did them all by myself!
Other than gardening, I have been binge watching some Netflix originals.  I think I have earned a little downtime for a first couple of weeks of summer!  I've also started a new challenge...
Just kidding, Stephanie sent that to me the other day because every time she has called me this summer I have been napping!
If you haven't joined the new Primary Teachers Group on facebook, head on over and join!  It's a place to share ideas, ask questions and interact with other primary teachers!  Click here to go join up!
I've been trying to finish up this latest classroom pack...I definitely need to get my TpT creative juices flowing again!  What classroom theme are you going with next year?
We are nearing 3,000 fans over at our Facebook page!  We have some really fun things planned for when we reach 3,000.  If you aren't following us over there, head on over so you don't miss out!
Endless Possibilities,


  1. Thanks for the link!

    Down the Learning Road

  2. That napping challenge is hilarious! I am not a napper! I just can't seem to do it. But I sleep really well at night!!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT

  3. Two more to go on Facebook! Congratulations!

    Shelly Sitz
    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade
