Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently

Its June 1st...that means it is time to link up with Farley for Currently!

The first one is pretty self explanatory...its raining outside so my children are in the house going crazy ;)  A bouncy ball gets pretty annoying very quickly!  Luckily she is moving on to something else now. 

I say this very cautiously because many of you are still in school, but it is SUMMER!!  We just completed our first week of summer vacation.  I accomplished nothing (which feels wonderful).  I did however go to Indy this weekend to take my 75 year old Aunt to a Wine and Canvas event.  I love my aunt dearly and though she would have fun.  After her initial panic attack, she calmed down and had a blast!  Here we all are with our completed paintings...nothing like the original, but we had fun.

Usually summers are all about swimming and my kids...this summer one of the kids is busy.  My oldest child has basketball camp, high ability camp, and Cub Scout camp all in the first 3 weeks of June!  On top of that my brother-in-law and his family are home visiting from Wyoming as of today.  We LOVE when they come home, but it usually means LOTS of meals out.  So tonight I volunteered to make lasagna for 14 people :) 

I am a fish in the summer...we swim A LOT!  Well so far this summer it has rained or been cloudy every day.

I realized that I needed to start walking on a daily basis or use the elliptical that is in my bedroom. As I was talking to my 75 year old Aunt about her 7 mile walk she took that morning...I REALLY realized that I have to get moving. 

My bucket list is basic...get a tan, organize my house, and organize at school.  I vow NOT to organize at school until after my beach vacation at the end of this month. 

Enjoy your summer!


  1. I am so jealous that you have started summer break already. I still have about 14 more days with the kiddos, 18 without :(. I also need to get moving a bit more this summer, after my initial one week hibernation.

    Teaching in Flats

  2. I am like you. I wanted to organize my house and also get everything ready for the fall.

    Jasmine H.

  3. I am cleaning out closets tomorrow! HAHA I am walking too! Getting too old to keep saying "I'll do it tomorrow!" Enjoy summer! Looks like fun! Wendy 1stgradefireworks 1stgradefireworks

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. Organize? Yeah...that will be my ENTIRE summer! We bought a house in the middle of the school year...and we have a 2 1/2 yr old...and yeah...still in boxes. *sigh* But...good thing teachers get summers off, right?!?! Good luck on your summer organization! At least I know I'm not the only one plagued with it... ;)
