Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Made It: Share Chair

I love summer for so many reasons... being able to create and craft is one of them!  I found this chair last summer and planned to give it an overhaul to make it into a "share" chair.  I got it at a local antique shop and it has sat in my basement all this time just calling at me to finish it up every time I go down there!

The first thing I had to do was unscrew the seat.  The cushion inside was pretty nasty but I need the board underneath to use for a base for my new cushion and material.  Then I had to give it a pretty good cleaning to make sure the spray paint would stick.  I have learned that spray paint is a teacher's best friend.  I don't know why I always tried to actually "paint" everything.  Trust me, just spray it.
I washed off the board that was the base for the seat and I used an old pillow I had in the donation pile for the new cushion.  The material I covered it with is some of the leftover material I had from the curtains in my classroom.  {I didn't notice until I was editing this post that the white thing on the right is my dog's little toy that she laid there right as I was snapping the picture, you can see almost see her jumping back from the picture.  The toy is not an essential part of this Made It Monday.}
With a little pulling, tucking and a whole lot of stapling, I was able to make this super fluffy and comfy seat.
I screwed the seat back on and... VIOLA...a super cute (super purple) share chair!  The total cost of all of this was about $12, you can't beat that!

Check out the other Monday Made It Posts by clicking on the button below!

Endless Possibilities!


  1. I love this! Your share chair is adorable!

  2. Beautiful job! Very well done! I am a little jealous of that gorgeous chair!!! Thanks for the pics & tutorial!

  3. Love it!!!! I have been looking for a share chair, never ever did I think to recover one LOL. You did a great job and I love the fabric!

  4. Love it! Turned out great!

    Down the Learning Road

  5. Cute! Love the paint color and fabric choice!!

  6. I am LOVING this! You have convinced me that I might actually be able to do this, too! I'll be looking at a thrift store tomorrow! :)

  7. I love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to make one of those for my house!!! :)
    Mixing it up in Middle
