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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Turn out the Lights...

Did anyone participate in Earth Hour this year?  Earth Hour was held on March 23 and basically you vow to turn out your lights from 8:30pm until 9:30pm.  I have been trying to be a better person this year in terms of reducing waste and recycling.  Once I started to recycle I couldn't believe how much trash I was producing before hand that I could have simply took an extra 10 minutes once a week to drop off at the local recycling place (that happens to be 2 minutes from school).   Just yesterday morning  I literally crammed so many boxes into my car to take to recycling that I was afraid I was going to be pulled over for obstructing my view.
So in honor of Earth Day, I decided to turn out my lights.  About 15 minutes in, I started to break out in hives and have withdraw symptoms from my TV/Phone/Computer.  I "powered" through it with a walk to CVS's Redbox down the road which made me realize that CVS may be just about the brightest lit store in all of everywhere which may or may not have cancelled out my own Earth Hour contribution.  Anyway, in honor of Earth Hour, I decided to make a freebie for you all.

Also, Stephanie posted her newest Earth Day Literacy Unit.  I may be biased but her stuff rocks.  Seriously... her Dental Health Unit was a hot commodity at school in February.  I am lucky to get her stuff for free!  You can check it out by clicking on the picture below!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. I agree that it's amazing how much waste we have nowadays that can be recycled. We are lucky here in Australia that along with our normal rubbish bin, every house also has a recycling bin that gets emptied weekly or fortnightly depending on where you live. We have a large recycling bin between every two classes at my school and smaller waste bins for food scraps to make into compost for our gardens. We did our own version of Earth Hour on Friday at school too, by turning off our lights and fans etc for an hour. Every little bit counts!

    Down Under Teacher

  2. We've been doing the rainforests this term so we've been talking a lot about saving energy, recycling etc. We've had the lights out quite a lot this week and my class are now always reminding each other to close the door, save paper, not waste water etc. My mom lives in Scotland and their recycling program is awesome there - every single thing gets recycled or composted. Whenever I'm there I have to read the government handout carefully to make sure I'm bundling everything correctly - we don't have the facilities on our little island to recycle everything but we compost, recycle glass and cans and try to reuse as much as we can in the way of plastics. Sadly there are a lot of people who just don't bother :(


    Fun in the Fours

  3. Thanks so much for the freebie! I had no idea there was even such a thing as Earth Hour, which is so sad! I like the idea of having it at school for an hour...I'll have to ask my principal about organizing it!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

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